

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

This year, keeping the importance of technology in the competition, experiments have been chosen as the main theme of the competition, giving this year’s competition the name – “Ventspils IT Challenge” experiments. Nowadays, children and students are more and more involved in the process of learning by experimenting and coming to their own conclusions. This process of discovery leads to new knowledge, fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, decision-making, digital and other skills. SO, LET’S EXPERIMENT!

Participants can take part in the competition in 4 age groups, performing one of the experiments:

  • Group A (grades 1-3), students from Latvia: nature experiment (made in cooperation with Science and Education Innovation Centre.
  • Group B (grades 4-6): technology experiment (made in cooperation with Science centre “VIZIUM”).
  • Group C (grades 7 to 9): space experiment (made in cooperation with Space Education Centre)
  • Group D (grades 10 to 12): entrepreneurship experiment (made in cooperation with Daugavpils Innovation Centre).

Kuram no mums nav gadījies kādreiz nejauši apgāzt krūzi un izliet tēju. Vai esat aizdomājušies, kādēļ izlietu šķidrumu ir vieglāk saslaucīt tieši ar papīra salvetēm vai dvieli? Vai laika prognoze pārsteigusi un gadījies izskriet lietū bez lietussarga, un mugurā esošā jaka pavisam ātri kļuvusi viscaur slapja? Kāpēc jaka palika slapja, bet lietussargs mūs pasargāja? Vai tas mūs spētu pasargātu, ja tiktu ražots no papīra?

Lai raksturotu materiālu piemērotību dažādu izstrādājumu izgatavošanai, viena no īpašībām ir to spēja uzsūkt vai atgrūst ūdeni.

Ar eksperimenta palīdzību Jums būs iespēja pārbaudīt materiālu uzsūktspēju, lai noskaidrotu, kurš no jūsu izvēlētajiem materiāliem vislabāk noder izlieta šķidruma saslaucīšanai, un kuru materiālu labāk izmantot lietussargu ražošanā.

  • PDF LV

Do you believe in everything you see on the internet? Can everything you see there be believed? Can you tell the difference between real or fake montage videos or news? We often unknowingly believe the information we see, because it seems so real, but how can you make lies appear to be the truth? Nowadays, because millions of people use these apps and not everybody checks the authenticity of the information seen there, fake news is spread using various social networking platforms, such as YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is possible that you also have seen a video and thought, “No way! How is this possible?!” Even though social networking platform use is regulated, anyone above the age of 13 can use them. Your task is to prove that we REALLY cannot trust everything we find on the internet.

  • PDF LV
  • PDF LT

Humans have conducted numerous exploration missions in space and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) plans to land the first humans on the surface of Mars in 2035. It’s possible for people to do this by using a special landing capsule.

If the object free falls on the surface of Mars, it would be able to reach a speed of several hundreds of kilometres per hour and not survive a collision with it. For example, an object that weighs approximately 70 kg would free fall at 410 km/h. Therefore, when landing the capsules, scientists have always used various parachute systems to reduce the speed of the fall and allow the capsule to land safely.

Each landing capsule has a distinct shape, weight, and strength, therefore careful calculations and tests must be done in order to design a parachute that will always be able to provide a sufficiently slow and safe landing of the capsule.

  • PDF LV
  • PDF LT

The necessity to find a solution to a problem that a user would be prepared to pay for forms the basis of business. Sometimes the initially planned solution to the problem ends up dealing with something else altogether. For example, Coca Cola, a popular beverage to quench thirst, was initially developed as a treatment for morphine addiction. The real use of this beverage was decided by the market and people’s needs. Also the widely known bubble wrap was first meant to be used as a wallpaper (other examples).

It is obvious that you don’t always get the greatest result on your first attempt; you have to try multiple times, run different experiments, and analyse the results. Prototyping is used in a business environment; any change is treated as an experiment to see what works best.

  • PDF LV
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