The technology contest “Ventspils IT Challenge 2018” jury has reviewed all the works submitted by the participants, evaluating which students will demonstrate their knowledge in the field of information technology in the second round of the contest, which will take place in Ventspils from the 7. to 9. November.
Submissions were evaluated in four age groups: grade 1 to 3 (group A), grade 4 to 6 (group B), grade 7 to 9 (group C) and grade 10 to 12 (group D) . The best 10 teams in Group A and 18 best teams in each of the groups B, C and D will participate in the final at Ventspils.
This year, students from 206 different educational institutions applied for the competition. A total of 494 teams have registered for the competition: 362 from Latvia, 67 from Lithuania and 65 from Estonia. This year the largest number of teams registered in the age group – grade 7 to 9 – in total 192 teams.
Congratulations to technology competition “Ventspils IT Challenge 2018” finalists:
- A group (grades 1 to 3):
- “Krijāra55”, Alūksnes novada vidusskola;
- “Datorpelītes”, Ventspils 2. pamatskola;
- “Kodiņš”, Jelgavas 4. sākumskola;
- “Zipija draugi”, Lībagu sākumskola;
- “Jaunie programmētāji”, Ventspils 2.pamatskola;
- “3D”, Rīgas 41.vidusskola;
- “MKV3”, Ventspils 2.pamatskola;
- “Pikseļi”, Rīgas Ukraiņu vidusskola;
- “Pērkonkalve”, Rīgas Valdorfskola;
- “Olimpiskie karaļi”, Ventspils Pārventas pamatskola.
- B group (grades 4 to 6):
- “Apple”, Pärnu Vanalinna Põhikool;
- “Team ventiņi”, Ventspils 2.pamatskola;
- “Spicie”, Sējas pamatskola;
- “Trīs ninjas”, Alūksnes novada vidusskola;
- “GBTeam”, Peetri Lasteaed-Põhikool;
- “Back to school”, Rīgas Angļu ģimnāzija;
- “Nutikadkassid” Peetri Lasteaed-Põhikool;
- “VIP” Valmieras Pārgaujas sākumskola;
- “AMMIAK” Narva Kreenholmi Gümnaasium;
- “ScriptMasters”, Liepājas Centra sākumskola;
- “Fantastic TRIO”, Ventspils 6.vidusskola;
- “InfoLogic”, Marijampolės Šv. Cecilijos gimnazija;
- “3eeskujulikku”, Peetri Lasteaed-Põhikool;
- “NotExperts”, Kartenos mokykla-daugiafunkcis centras;
- “DreamBusters”, Marijampolės Jono Totoraičio progimnazija;
- “Legoland”, Peetri Lasteaed-Põhikool;
- “Star_Team”, Grobiņa;
- Lenija draugi”, Lībagu sākumskola.
- C group (grades 7 to 9):
- “BlackPuma”, Kilingi-Nõmme Gymnasium;
- “Team ZVV”, Ventspils 4. vidusskola;
- “IT Cesis”, Cēsu Valsts ģimnāzija;
- “IT Phoenix”, Draudzīgā Aicinājuma Liepājas pilsētas 5. vidusskola;
- “M.A.U”, Surju Basic School;
- “A3”, Ventspils Valsts 1. ģimnāzija;
- “Priceless code”, Nīcas vidusskola;
- “Business children”, KTU inžinerijos licėjus;
- “Volti”, Preiļu 1. pamatskola;
- “TechScholars”, Vilkaviškio “Ąžuolo” progymnasium;
- “Hacker_meni”, Riga Purvciems Secondary school;
- “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Blockchains”, Riga State Gymnasium No. 2;
- “PCMania 2”, Rīgas Kultūru vidusskola;
- “Operation Z”, Ventspils 2.vidusskola;
- “Surju.exe Has Stopped Working” Surju Põhikool;
- “Master Engineers”, KTU inžinerijos licėjus;
- “Antivīrusi”, Ventspils 4. vidusskola;
- “NUG”, Lazdijų Motiejaus Gustaičio gimnazija.
- D group (grades 10 to 12):
- “Sytevaka”, Pärnu Sütevaka Humanitaargümnaasium;
- “LINKED LYNX”, Jāņa Eglīša Preiļu Valsts ģimnāzija;
- “A.S.A.”, Ventspils 2.vidusskola;
- “ClipTell”, Jelgavas Spīdolas Valsts ģimnāzija;
- “Tadam”, Lieporių gimnazija;
- “KonSoft”, Jelgavas Tehnoloģiju vidusskola;
- “LV1Ģ”, Liepājas Valsts 1. ģimnāzija;
- “@V4vsk”, Ventspils 4.vidusskola;
- “Koidulag”, Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium;
- “Delta One”, Rīgas 80. vidusskola;
- “Melnā Pērle”, Rīgas Zolitūdes ģimnāzija;
- “Pri(M^2)e”, Vilniaus licėjus;
- “not(Totally not engineers)” RTU Inženierzinātņu vidusskola;
- “Iceage”, Skrundas vidusskola;
- “Andromeda” Kedainiai “Atzalyno” gymnasium;
- “P.V.A. SQUAD” Ventspils 6. vidusskola;
- “The Google generation”, Visaginas technology and business vocational education traning centre;
- “Intelligent Youngsters” – Ādažu vidusskola.
Finalists on map:
Finalists of the technology competition “Ventspils IT Challenge 2018” will compete for a total prize fund of nearly EUR 12,000. For the youngest students (grades 1 to 3), the final will be held from November 8 to 9, and the rest from November 7 to 9 in Ventspils. The competition will be filled with interesting activities, musicians performances, including the Double Faced Eels concert, tours and creative activities at Ventspils University College.
The contest “Ventspils IT Challenge 2018” is organized by Ventspils Digital Centre and Ventspils City Council in collaboration with the Education Board of Ventspils City Council, the representatives of Ventspils University College, and educators from Ventspils. The contest is organized also in cooperation with “eTwinning Latvia”, the Lithuanian partner – the Network of Innovative Informal Education for Youth (INPUT), and the Estonian partner – Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA).
See you in Ventspils!